
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

First Diaper Cake

I've wanted to make a diaper cake for awhile now. I've made diaper wreaths before, I love them. Well I had a friend make me one for my son this past year so I saved all the rubber-bands and such. The way my friend made it was just all diapers together, I thought about doing that, but when I searched on how to make it I saw a lot with people using things in the middle. Since I had a small package of diapers I decided to try that out. 

As I was making it I wasn't sure if I'd be able to even have 3 layers, but I got to, so that was nice. One thing I saw and kind of tried was hiding the diapers by using tissue paper, but I didn't like the way that was turning out. So I looked through my bag of decorations and scraps and found the perfect sizes or ribbon to use to hide the rubber-bands :) Yaa for keeping old stuff, you can always reuse stuff some how!

Any ways I love how it came out, now hopefully it'll ship well and still look good! Speaking of I need to find out if I need to ship a  few boy clothes also. Two friends back home [Oswego, NY] are having baby showers next month. One, Garrett & Bree, thought they were having a girl and found out they're actually having a boy! I brought some stuff when we went there this past summer, so my mom needs to look through the bag to see if I need to send more. I know I have neutral clothes, but I can't remember if I had girl clothes in there too or not. My other friends, Jorin & Freddie are having another little girl so this is for them since they mainly just need diapers :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rice Krispie Pumpkins!

Well thanks to WIC we get some free cereal and well since there aren't many choices I decided to get 3, yep THREE boxes of the rice krispies. I thought "hey I'd love to try to make those rice krispie pumpkins I saw on Pinterest!" To check out the blog where I saw the pinned picture from, go to HERE

So here is my first Pinterest inspiration! 

I was going to make them to have at home, but then I went to my husband's squadron's spouses meeting and we were having a Halloween party for the kids soon [last Friday] and I thought, "well hey I can bring them in then we won't eat them all ourselves," haha! Plus I felt kind of bad for not offering to help with anything yet, it was kind of short notice, but it worked out great! 

I made two batches of them since the first one I got 18 and then I heard there was going to be 40-50 kids, definitely needed some more! So I just had to buy some marshmallows and tootsie rolls, not too much.

For dying it, I have the Wilton's so its the gel, that was a pain, but I wasn't going to buy liquid drops just for this, it got the job done, but if you have both or neither & need/want to buy some the drops will probably be easier

Yep I took a picture with my phone it in, I needed it for the recipe, since I didn't use the brand name box, WIC doesn't let you get it [unless at the commissary & I was at Baker's] so I used that for the internet. Another tip, have the tootsie rolls unwrapped before hand, I made sure I did that for the second batch, lol. I was undecided if I wanted to try the vines or not. I didn't want to make frosting like the blog did, but I found I still had my green sparkle food gel so I tried one and went with it.
I think they came out pretty decent for my first time. At the kids Halloween party they were going fast :) It was fun and easy to make them, oh yea, butter your hands a tiny bit now and then, helps a lot! As I made them I was showing my daughter how the marshmallows were changing color, she liked watching, plus she got a couple tootsie rolls out of it =P

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Beginning

This is my second blog. I decided not long ago, thanks to Pinterest I would make a separate blog just for crafts and other projects that I wouldn't mind sharing with the world. My other blog is my personal one, sorry invite only.

Any who I've been inspired a lot lately. Again thanks to Pinterest, you need to check that site out! It rocks! There's a lot of fun crafts I want to do with Isabella and of course when Cameron gets bigger with him as well. Then of course lots of fun ideas for food! I'm more of a baker/desserts kind of girl so that's mainly what I'll be trying for food ideas.

So here's to learning, enjoying, teaching, eating, saving, & sharing :)